4AAVC101 - week 2

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These are my notes from October 03 for 4AAVC101 at King's College London for the 2017-2018 school year. The lecturer, Nick Srnicek, is the author of two excellent books at the intersection of technology and leftist politics: Inventing the Future (with Alex Williams), and Platform Capitalism.

The usual disclaimer: all notes are my personal impressions and do not necessarily reflect the view of the lecturer.

Cognitive Capitalism and the Attention Economy


Cognitive Capitalism by Yann Moulier Boutang (chapter 3)

So I started reading this from the beginning and realised that I didn’t just want to read chapter 3, I wanted to read the whole book, which I didn’t have time to do just yet. Luckily, the reading is summarised quite nicely in the lecture notes below.

The Ecology of Attention by Yves Citton (chapter 1)

Notes from the introduction:

Chapter 1

I now want to read this whole book too, which is a little concerning given that I have so many other readings and (as I’ve been reminded by this book) only a finite amount of attention.

Post-script: I have indeed read the whole book, and my notes are, as always, on Bookmarker.


(I missed the first few minutes because the room number was “S-1.06” and I interpreted that as S DASH 1.06 and thus spent several stressful minutes around a very empty first floor that was completely devoid of any classrooms and asking everyone who passed by if they knew where the classroom was, to no avail. Luckily I then noticed that there was a basement floor whose room numbers were prefixed by S-1. I still think it’s a very confusing system.)

Cognitive capitalism

The attention economy