4AAVC101 - week 5

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These are my notes from October 24 for 4AAVC101 at King's College London for the 2017-2018 school year. The lecturer, Nick Srnicek, is the author of two excellent books at the intersection of technology and leftist politics: Inventing the Future (with Alex Williams), and Platform Capitalism.

The usual disclaimer: all notes are my personal impressions and do not necessarily reflect the view of the lecturer.

The Rise of Platforms


Matchmakers by David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee (chapter 1)

No notes for this yet.

Bridging differing perspectives on technological platforms by Annabelle Gawer

The economics perspective (two-sided markets, which lets us understand competition) and the engineering perspective (the technical architecture, which lets us understand innovation).

Only including the ones I’ve read or want to read.
