MC433 - week 4

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These are my notes from October 19 for MC433 at the London School of Economics for the 2017-2018 school year. I took this module as part of the one-year Inequalities and Social Science MSc program.

The usual disclaimer: all notes are my personal impressions and do not necessarily reflect the view of the lecturer.

Media Justice


Media and Morality by Roger Silverstone (chapter 6)

On hospitality and justice. I thought this was quite a good read . Incidentally, Silverstone was a founder of the Media and Communications at LSE!

Media Concentration and Democracy by C. Edwin Baker (chapter 1)

Published in 2006. On the need for a less concentrated media landscape. I agree with a lot of his points about media concentration but I worry that his solution isn’t radical enough …

Speaking for Ourselves in The Nation

By Makani Themba and Nan Rubin. A short article on media portrayal during the civil rights era & its impact on racism in real life.

