Time-slicing photos with Python and ImageMagick

« Back to blog :: May 15, 2016

Time-slicing photos with Python and ImageMagick

I recently came across a neat example of time-slice photography, which featured the Manhattan skyline over a period of 30 minutes around dusk. It’s a really cool technique that I’ve always wanted to try reproducing through paint, since the nature of the medium means you could make the slices blend together more seamlessly than would be possible in a photograph.

So that became my next art project: painting the Manhattan skyline as a time-slice, preferably with both day and night shown. While searching for source photographs, I found some gorgeous ones by photographer Dan Marker-Moore on PetaPixel that I would have loved to use, but unfortunately none of them were taken over a time period longer than 3 hours. Which is understandable, because taking a photo from the same position every few minutes must get tiring after a while.

So I’d have to make my own source photograph. That wasn’t a problem, because I found this beautiful timelapse video on YouTube:

I put that through pleasetimeslicemyphotos.com and got the following result:

Time-slice photo of the above video

jk, I wish. As you can see, I did manage to convert that video into a time-slice photograph, but it was a rather involved and painful process that took a lot longer than I expected. Read on to discover the exciting details.

Taking screenshots with scrot

First, I installed the command-line screenshot application, scrot, which is a great example of why abbreviations aren’t always a good idea. I then started the following bash script in a terminal window before starting the video in fullscreen mode:

while true; do
    sleep 1;

Incidentally, this is approximately the longest bash script I am able to write without wanting to bash my head on my keyboard. (Bash and I just don’t get along very well.) I also made the wise decision of writing it on one line, so I could easily re-run the script if something went wrong. As it turns out, I did have to run it multiple times, because I kept getting shown banner ads in the Hudson river, which would be quite undignified in a painting.

Eventually, I obtained 40 1920x1080 PNG files, showing the Manhattan skyline at various times of the day:

Screenshot showing the 40 PNG files

Naive combining using ImageMagick +append

Now I just had to combine the images in a seamless way. For this, I used ImageMagick, which is a set of open-source command-line tools for image manipulation. To make things simpler for myself, I installed the Python package Wand, which is a wonderful Python wrapper for ImageMagick that lets you do stuff like this:

from wand.image import Image

image = Image(filename='image.png')
image.crop(0, 0, 100, 100)

which, at least for me, is so much more pleasant than trying to remember the syntax for bash.

My first attempt at joining the images was fairly inefficient, because I saved all the cropped images to disk and joined them using the convert +append tool in ImageMagick. The code has been shortened for brevity, but it worked something like this:

# Assume width & height are derived from the first image, and that the
# dimensions are the same for all images.
cropped_width = width / len(image_filenames)
start_x = 0

for image_filename in image_filenames:
    image = Image(filename=image_filename)
    image.crop(start_x, 0, start_x + cropped_width, height)

    # Assume cropped_filename is something like tmp_01.png for 01.png.
    start_x += cropped_width

Then, running convert tmp_*.png output.png would result in the following image:

Naive time-slice of the Manhattan skyline

Which isn’t bad – in fact, it’s exactly what I was trying to generate – but the slices look very obvious. If I could find a way to blend the slices more, then I would get a better idea of what I needed to paint.

Better combining using translucent images and compositing

My next thought was to make the slices overlap and blend them by making one slice translucent at each edge, with the level of opacity relative to the distance from the edge. This took a while to get working, and I had to draw a lot of diagrams before I got all the pixel placements correct, but it was worth it - the slices combined much more seamlessly as a result. I also realised that it wasn’t actually necessary to save the temporary images to disk, because Wand provides a composite() method on Image instances that can take in other Image instances.

This new approach looks like this (again, shortened for brevity; width, height, and cropped_width are the same as before):

# Use the first image as a base and draw all the other images onto it.
first_image = Image(filename=image_filenames[0])
for image_filename in image_filenames[1:]:
    # Crop out the portions of this image that will appear in the slice.
    image_piece = Image(filename=image_filename)
    end_x = start_x + cropped_width * 2
    image_piece.crop(start_x, 0, end_x, height)

    # For the first half of this slice, divide it into smaller slices at
    # varying opacity levels, with the number of slices determined by the
    # command-line argument args.slices_per_image.
    for slice_i in xrange(args.chunks_per_slice):
        slice_start_x = slice_i * slice_width

        # args.starting_alpha is a command-line argument and determines the
        # lowest opacity level; alpha_delta is computed from
        # args.starting_alpha and args.slices_per_image.
        slice_alpha_percent = args.starting_alpha + alpha_delta * slice_i
        slice_end_x = slice_start_x + slice_width

        slice_image = image_piece.clone()
        slice_image.crop(slice_start_x, 0, slice_end_x, height)
        if slice_alpha_percent < 100:
            make_translucent(slice_image, slice_alpha_percent)

        # Draw this translucent image onto the uncropped first image.
            left=start_x + slice_start_x,

    # Now draw the remaining half of this slice with full opacity.
    image_piece.crop(cropped_width, 0, cropped_width * 2, height)
        left=start_x + cropped_width,

    start_x += cropped_width

Here’s how it works for this specific example. Since there are 40 images, and the images are 1920 pixels wide, each sliced image needs to be – or at least appear to be – 48 pixels wide. Now imagine that instead of placing the images side by side, which would result in a visible edge between slices, we let them overlap and blend them into each other. So for the first slice location, which consists of the space between left=0px and left=48px, we would be able to see both 01.png – at full opacity – and 02.png – not at full opacity. If we chose a starting opacity level (args.starting_alpha in the code above) of, say, 50%, and set args.slices_per_image to be 3, then the space between left=0px and left=16px would show a blend of 01.png at full opacity and 02.png at 50% opacity. Between left=16px and left=32px, we would have 01.png at full opacity and 02.png at 75% opacity. Between left=32px and left=48px, we would have 01.png at full opacity and 02.png at 100% opacity. The same idea would be repeated for all 40 slice locations, with slice location 40 only consisting of 40.png at full opacity (since there’s nothing to blend into).

By varying the parameters for the starting opacity and number of slices per image, we can drastically change how smooth the final image looks. Here’s how it looks with 3 slices per image and a starting opacity level of 50%:

A slightly smoother Manhattan skyline, though still

And if we up the slices per image to 12 and reduce the starting opacity level to 10%, it looks even smoother – you can barely see the edges now:

An even smoother Manhattan skyline

For reference, the image shown near the beginning of this post was created with 24 slices per image and a starting opacity level of 0%. Incidentally, here’s how that image looked when reversed, with the same parameters (please ignore the notification on the bottom left):

Reversed Manhattan skyline - night on the left, day on the

If you’re wondering why all the number of slices I tried are a multiple of 3, it’s because the image comes out weird if the widths and positions are not whole numbers (you just get lines in random places).

Time-slicing the process of painting

Now that I had a script for time-slicing any arbitrary sequence of photos, the logical next step was to find more photos to try this on. The most obvious candidates were the vanity photos that I took to document the process of creating various paintings. Unfortunately, none of these time-slices turned out very well, partly because the original photos were very inconsistent in terms of lighting and positioning, and also because my painting process is much less elegant than the Manhattan skyline.

Cape Town painting

Please excuse the blurriness and the bad cropping.

Cape Town painting time slice

In reverse:

Cape Town painting time slice - reverse

The finished painting:

Cape Town painting

Glider painting

Glider painting time slice

In reverse:

Glider painting time slice - reverse

The finished painting:

Glider painting

Swan painting

This one came out really badly because the most detailed part of the painting is the swan, which happens to be in the middle of the canvas:

Swan painting time slice

In reverse:

Swan painting time slice - reverse

The finished painting:

Swan painting

The full script

If you have photos of your own that you want to try time-slicing, you can find the full script on GitHub. Note that the script expects your image files to be in a subdirectory “raw” within another subdirectory, and sorts the images by name (so 01.png, 02.png, 03.png, etc). For example, I had a subdirectory named “nyc”, and within that, the subdirectory “raw” housed the original 40 PNG files; I would run python timeslice.py nyc and the output image would appear within the “nyc” folder.

I’ve tested the script with Python 2.7.10 on Ubuntu. Not sure if it will work on other platforms. The only other dependency is Wand, which itself requires ImageMagick.

I’d love to see what you do with this – tweet me @dellsystem if you’ve made a cool time-slice image or if have ideas for improving the blending technique!


The skyline painting

I got so caught up in the technical details of making the original time-slice image that I completely forgot that I was supposed to paint the Manhattan skyline. Check back soon for the results. It’ll probably look a lot like the first image, only less detailed, and without the “rumble virals” logo.

Alternative solutions

Apparently there’s a way of doing this within Photoshop. I don’t have Photoshop, so I can’t test it, but I suspect it would be slower and a bit more hands-on than my method. I’m not sure how you’d do blending, either.

The Manhattan skyline photos shown in this post are courtesy of Rumble Viral, and were used in the spirit of fair use. If you plan on creating your own time slices and using them commercially, you’ll probably want to get permission from the copyright holder for the original images.