GV4D4 - week 7

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These are my notes from November 07 for GV4D4 at the London School of Economics for the 2017-2018 school year. I took this module as part of the one-year Inequalities and Social Science MSc program.

The usual disclaimer: all notes are my personal impressions and do not necessarily reflect the view of the lecturer.

Politics against markets: social market economies


Religion and the Western Welfare State by Philip Manow and Kees van Kersbergen

An essay from Religion, Class Coalitions, and Welfare States (PDF), published in 2010. Challenging the traditional explanations for Christian Democratic welfare states.

Once Again a Model (PDF) by Jonas Pontusson

From 2009 (appearing in the 2011 book “Futures of the Left”). On how Nordic social democracy continues to function in an era of globalisation.



Who are welfare states for?

We started by discussing this news story: Elderly husband’s plea as Scot’s wife of 30 years set to be kicked out of country due to Tory immigration crackdown. The big question revolved around whether he should be entitled to welfare or not.

On the development of welfare states

Iversion and Soskice

On religious explanations